Apple Cider Vinegar: Miracle Health System
Apple Cider Vinegar: Miracle Health System
Apple Cider Vinegar: Miracle Health System has a Long, Healthy History. Today, apple cider vinegar is favored worldwide by energetic, successful and healthy people, from celebrities, film and music stars and politicians, to captains of industry and ‘tiger moms’ who love their children fiercely and care deeply about their health. But, the history of ACV goes back 5,000 years ago when the Egyptians and Babylonians kept vinegar vessels and later, when Julius Caesar’s army considered it an essential part of their diet. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, treated his patients with apple cider vinegar in 400 B.C. and wrote about its health benefits. Christopher Columbus had it on board his ships to prevent disease and it was used in the American Civil War to help heal wounded soldiers. Apple Cider Vinegar, Miracle Healthy System, by Drs. Paul C. Bragg and Dr. Patricia Bragg, covers this amazing history in a fun way, and shares a variety of exciting information that can help you discover the true path to health and a long, happy life.